How can you contribute to the cause?
Write for Tjen Folket Media
Our editorial line is that we support Maoism and the work for reconstructing the Communist Party of Norway as a Maoist party. But one does not need to be an organized communist or be in complete agreement with our line in order to contribute to Tjen Folket Media. We are a platform for red perspectives and news from the people’s struggle. We even hope to welcome a space for debate.
If you wish to write articles for publication, send them to us at [email protected] or on Facebook. We appreciate all contributions, even if they are not ultimately published.
Get in touch with organizations
People who wish to become active revolutionaries should organize themselves. To be organized, one must first come in contact with revolutionary organizations. These organizations will want to get to know you before you can join. Through Tjen Folket Media’s contact form, you can tell us what you’re looking for and we can forward your message.
Contact us if you’d like to start the process.
We must rely on some economic resources in order to keep up the fight. We need money for materials of all types (posters, stickers, pamphlets), to arrange conferences, to travel and meet other communists, to operate Tjen Folket Media’s business and website, and more. Your contribution is extremely important!
You can set up an automated direct deposit in your online banking. If you have a Norwegian bank account, you may use the account number 4230.55.51605 and add TFM in the memo line. NB: New account number. (As of September 2018)
You can donate in cash by contacting us or your local communists.
Paypal and Vipps will be made available in the near future.
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