After a temporary pause in the development of wind turbines in Frøya, work has continued again. The massive people’s struggle has thrown a wrench in the operations of the capital that drives environmental destruction and resisters warn that the struggle will continue until development is halted.
Local newspaper Hitra-Frøya writes:
The Municipality and Modernization Department (KMD) has gone through the county’s ruling and has not found reason to reverse the decision to allow TrønderEnergi to continue the work in constructing wind turbines in Frøya.
A large portion of the local community in Frøya is involved in the struggle against the development and the environmental destruction it entails. The local newspaper writes:
«We will not give up. The construction of wind turbines in Frøya will be stopped! In the meantime, all environmental destruction will be documented.»
This is what Eskil Sandvik and Nei til vindkraftverk på Frøya [No to Wind Turbines in Frøya] said in a statement after it was announced on Thursday afternoon that TrønderEnergi got the green light to continue construction of wind turbines.
TFM has published several articles on the struggle at Frøya. It is a struggle that awakens interest in many parts of the country, as there are many local communities that are at risk of facing similar developments. In short, it has to do with people wanting to protect nature against the major disturbances that wind turbines introduce. For instance, wind turbines in Frøya would be incredibly destructive for eagles that nest in the area.
Furthermore, it is a protest against capital being allowed to wreak havoc under the cover of being «green». In the case of Frøya, it is a large German company that owns 70% of the wind turbines. They have come to make a great profit off of the electricity. This green capitalism does not replace fossil fuels, but only comes in addition to them. In other words, it will only destroy more nature just to be able to increase energy production and thereby increase consumption even more. How will this protect the environment?
Norway already produces more than enough energy for Norwegian consumption. This is primarily from hydroelectric sources, which do not create pollution. If the existing energy infrastructure were seriously maintained and optimized, it could produce even more electricity. There is in other words absolutely no reason for having large wind turbines in Norway’s natural landscapes. Norway’s natural landscape is unique and globally renowned. It is the duty of not only the people of Norway, but the entire world to take good care of it.
Furthermore, a sustainable society presupposes a reduction in consumption, not the expansion of new forms of encroachment. Capitalism today is exhausting the planet. It must be stopped; the people of Frøya have put their foot down and they deserve all of our solidarity.

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