By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media
The people’s struggle against tolls puts the government in danger. There is no doubt that it is this struggle that will take FrP out of the government.
First, one must be clear that concerns about tolls are extremely legitimate. For many, tolls can mean extra expenses that have great impacts on private economy. It hits families with children particularly hard, especially when they have few resources and great need for transportation. When it creeps up towards 10.000 or 20.000 kroner a year in tolls, it can have tangible consequences.
That FrP is placing these demands now is not because FrP fervently cares about the issue. They have voted for all toll packages throughout their entire time in the ruling government. They have, also in this question, shown that they are just like the other politicians. They lie and make promises to get votes, but in practice they thrive on sucking people dry for their tax money.
Believes FrP has painted itself in a corner
No, the promise is that the protests against the tolls is amplifying their crisis in the polls. FrP is the party that has lost the most from the government alliance. It can be compared to SV’s problems when they were in the «Red-Green» alliance. It is just too large a gap between their profile and promises on one side, and their practice as a government party on the other. It is just too easy for political opponents to expose the hypocrisy. And too difficult to protest against its own ministers.
FrP is straining at the seams and they’ve made a last resort. It can end with them out of the ruling government. In any event, Høyre, KrF, and Venstre can continue in the ruling coalition government with FrP as a support party that stands more independent. It is FrP that sees this as a more comfortable position as the 2021 parliamentary elections approach. It will in any even be a retrogression to the situation between 2001 and 2005 under Kjell Magne Bondevik’s second government.
If this doesn’t happen, there’s a good chance that FrP will make miserable choices going forward.
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