By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media
Tens of thousands protest, but their demands die in Parliament. Even with a Parliament filled with so-called green politicians, they will never be able to do anything decisive for the climate within capitalism. Only revolution can save the planet from environmental catastrophe.
NRK reports that Parliament voted down a demand issued by the massive youth protests for the climate:
On March 22, the streets were filled with striking students, 40,000 students from all over the country, with different political party preferences, but with loud and clear demands for a new course in climate politics… Only SV, MDG, and Rødt voted in favor of their demands.
All of this gives reason to honor the masses of youth who take to the streets for the environment. They dedicate themselves to an international movement that takes the charge for one of the greatest crises in the world today. The struggle is justified, but it must be emphasized that they cannot win through Parliament. Even if SV, MDG, and Rødt were to have a simple majority, they would not be able to solve this crisis. The crisis takes the form of a climate crisis, but the underlying cause is the capitalist system.
They wish to lead the struggle out from the streets into Parliament, such that instead of hundreds of thousands of impatient youth, there might be tens of politicians with time on their hands – and very high wages. We know that the youth politicians that participate in the protests primarily have good intentions, but the goals of sustainable development and genuine cuts in emissions are impossible to reach within this system. And one cannot break with the system if one follows the playing rules that are designed for and by those who protect the system.
A continued green and blue planet demands revolution. Revolution, and revolution alone, will abolish capitalism. Voting for politicians or proposals in Parliament will not help in any capacity. On the contrary, it leads the struggle into an arena where the world’s enemies have all the power. It is a dangerous dead end that makes movements innocuous.
Some hope that replacing politicians will solve the problem. But the problem is not that today’s politicians are stupid or evil. The problem is the system. Many politicians likely do what they can, but they cannot do much. To replace them with greener or redder politicians only means continuing the same thing they have been doing for decades. They have spoken about the environment since the 1980s. Even then, they placed goals and limits for emissions. Nonetheless, environmental and natural destruction continues all the time.
It is communism that will give the masses the power. It is communism that will create a world where we have control over production and where profit no longer is the driving force of the economy. Communism will make the world shine, and it will create a sustainable and planned development that will benefits all humans. Only then can we solve the climate crisis forever.
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