By a contributor to Tjen Folket Media
ABC News reports that 52 new toll booths have been opened in Oslo. Politicians use the occasion to gain votes:
The fight over the votes of toll voters in earnest is underway in the capital city. With the introduction of 52 new toll booth Friday night, both FrP and Folkeaksjonen Nei til mer bompenger (FNB) [People’s Action No to More Tolls] are out to lobby votes among engaged motorists.
Dagbladet writes about the protests against the toll booths:
Rune Jacobsen (62) and Britt Fossum (61) have also made the trip to Sandvika to protest against the day’s toll prices. Jacobsen has come here for a special reason:
«What I wish to accomplish is putting the breaks on the hypocrisy of the tolls. It is beyond the pale. Parents of small children are struggling. It is just too expensive!» he exclaims.
Peoples’ protests against the toll booths is good. It is the general anger over anti-social taxes and difficult transportation, especially for families with small children, which causes it to boil over. The toll booths are visible and concrete, and therefore easy to protest against when compared with other taxes.
This has caused politicians, especially populist FrP, to tremble, and the country is drawing closer to a governmental crisis than it has been for some time.
Yet all those who voted for FrP because they wanted to do away with taxes will remember that it was with FrP in government that the toll booths and protests outgrew the politicians by a landslide. And without forgetting that the rest of the politicians are just as responsible. The problem with anti-social taxes and increasing tax pressures is a systematic problem.
Only the peoples’ own struggle can change politics!
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