By a contributor to Tjen Folket Media.
New tolls in cities like Oslo and Bergen will fleece normal working people. Those who need to drive to work, school, and other places will end up paying thousands a month. This is why the rage of the people is growing!
One of the expressions of this turmoil is a protest party against tolls. This is a dead end. In Stavanger, the anti-toll party FNB is no more than a support party for the current mayor. They experience the same problem as other politicians. If they make cuts in one area, this must make up for it in another. It is not the local politicians that have created the present system of toll-sponsored roads, but the national system where road projects are not fully subsidized by the state, but are partially financed by the municipalities.
But the protests of the people are expressions for an important and justified grievance. New tolls are plagued by the worst advising and necessary transportation costs.
Bergens Tidene [The Bergen Times] writes:
For Anette Jacobsen from Os, it may cost over 180 kroner a day to commute to work.
In Oslo, it can easily cost over 100 kroner a day if one for instance lives in Lillestrøm and needs to go to Oslo.
Top stories on several media sources show that that normal working people in several of the largest cities can end up with monthly expenses of between 1500 and 3000 kroner. Such a tax spike is extremely dramatic for low income families and families with small children, who already struggle to make ends meet. Even more provocative are those politicians who meet their struggles with moralistic preaching about the environment. But most understand that the environment will not be saved by increased taxes.
If we are to establish a sustainable society, we must do away with capitalism. Tolls do not help with anything, but only serve to make normal people poorer.
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