By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
In the past few weeks, there has been an increase in armed actions in Northern Ireland directed against the British occupation. A journalist was shot during a demonstration. NRK reports that the organization that has taken responsibility for the action has apologized for the incident in a statement where they write that
In the course of attacking the enemy Lyra McKee was tragically killed while standing beside enemy forces
They have offered their heartfelt apologies to the family of the deceased, and instructed their volunteers to take extreme caution in future skirmishes.
The German revolutionary news source Dem volke dienen has written about the incident and on other armed actions that have occurred recently. They write that there have been four recent attacks. Two pipe bombs in Armagh, a protest were cars were set aflame, and several shots fired in the neighborhood of Creggan.
Ireland has for centuries been a colony of Great Britain. The English monarchy, nobles, and more recently capitalists have taken over the neighboring country. This is the context for the country’s poverty and underdevelopment, and the background for large-scale famines during certain periods. The struggle for Ireland’s independence from British imperialism continues today. Northern Ireland continues to be a formal part of Great Britain and the struggle for a free and united Ireland will continue until the British occupier is completely driven out of the country.
For decades this struggle has been united with the revolutionary struggle for socialism in Ireland. And for several decades, the struggle was waged on a very high level. The IRA is known around the world for its struggle, a struggle that could be waged in Europe in modern times, with strong support from the deepest and broadest masses on the Irish island.
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