By a commentator for TFM.
On May 25, the reactionary Christian-fascists in the «March for Life» movement marched in three cities in Croatia. The movement developed in the US in the 1970s when abortion opponents started the «pro-life» movement.
Their main demand is to abolish the legally guaranteed right to abortion. In Croatia, the abortion limit is 10 weeks. Many women have abortions because they cannot afford to have children. The abortion prohibition would force women who wish to have abortions to do so in another country, which costs a lot of money, or to do so illegally under extremely poor medical conditions. It therefore hits proletarian women especially hard.
Around 20,000 took part in the marches in three large cities: Zabar, Split, and the capital city of Zagreb. This year, there were fewer demonstrators than there ever had been before in Zagreb. Last year, there had been a bit of controversy around the event, and this year counter-demonstrators pursued the march around the city.
In images from the march, one can find the flag of the fascist organization Ustasja. The known Ustasja singer Marki Perkovic Thompson was also invited to perform a concert at the end of the event. He is a steadfast supporter of the movement, writes songs for them, and in some countries his concerts have even been prohibited.
Several feminists tried to block the march and hindered its forward movement, shouting a number of slogans. This led the the arrest of 12 feminists. Several counter-demonstrators were dressed in bloodied nightgowns and had applied tape over their mouths.
The week before, a «March for Liberation» event was arranged in Rijeka as a counter-response to the fascist march. Several thousands demonstrated and people of all ages participated, including families. The main demand was self-autonomy over one’s own body and that one’s own life must be a human right. One poster bore the slogan «When injustice becomes the rule, resistance becomes duty». The demonstrators say that they are willing to continue the struggle until the demand is met.
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