By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
Written in june.
The people’s uprising in Sudan continues. It forced the former state leader Omar al-Bashir to step down but in reality, it has only been a rotation in the regime. The country is now controlled by a military junta. It invites comparison with similar situations in Algeria and Egypt, where uprisings also lead to changed, but where the military and the old bureaucracy-capitalists maintain control.
Sudan’s regime has been in conflict with the US for daces, but has close and warm relations with several of the US’s allies in the Arab world, especially with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the UAE. In addition they have good relations with the US’s competitors in Russia and China, in addition to in the last few years having established a closer relation with Ian’s allies in Qatar.
Sudan exports large quantities of oil and oil products, along with cotton, sesame, peanuts, rubber, and sugar.
After several years of civil war, South Sudan became independent and is today the world’s youngest state. In the Darfur province, which also lies in the south of the country, there has been war for quite some time and it is a regime-friendly paramilitary from Darfur that is behind the latest massacre in Sudan’s capital of Khartoum that took more than 100 lives.
VG writes:
Sørbø is considered the leading expert on Sudan in this country, and last week’s dramatic events in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum has frightened the academic who considers Sudan to be his second homeland.
«It is paramilitary groups that control the agenda in Khartoum’s streets these days. It looks very bleak,» reports the researcher.
The expert furthermore says about the regime in Sudan:
First and foremost, they are supported by the Gulf States Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Sudan has sent military forces to Yemen to contribute to the Saudi military action in the civil war there.
It is not in these countries’ interests to have a democratic movement in Sudan. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Egypt wish to have control over their neighbors.
VG writes that it is the security and intelligence forces and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) that are responsible for the grave violence that has been carried out against demonstrators in the country. They write that RSF is build up around elements from Janjaweed militias in Darfur that have spread terror and death among the civilian population there.
There are a number of refugees from Sudan and Darfur in Norway today.
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