This translation consists of two articles that we have merged, which were written hours apart from each other, in which the latter contained more detailed and updated information on the identity and motives of the perpetrator.
By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media
One Injured After Mosque Shooting Carried out by White Terrorist with Helmet and Uniform
NRK and TV2 report that according to police, shots have been fired at the al-Noor Islamic Centre, a mosque in Bærum today. Police first received reports of the shooting at 16:09.
The man who carried out the attack was apprehended by a 65-year old inside the mosque, was tied down, and later arrested by the police. According to the police, he is an ethnic Norwegian. According to members of the mosque, he was white and wore a white helmet, a bulletproof vest, and a uniform. The police have found many weapons in the mosque, belonging to the perpetrator.

One person was injured after the attack. Leaders of the mosque stated that it was only luck that no one was hurt TV2 reports.
Neither police nor other sources have made any statements on the motive or background for the attack. In the last few years, there have been several terror attacks carried out against mosques around the world. For instance, the attack in Christchurch, New Zealand carried out by a Breivik-inspired terrorist. Breivik also used uniform and a helmet in his attack. The fascist environment Breivik comes from has continued to organize in the streets with police protection, with Muslims and mosques as their target for vandalism, threats, harassment and violence.
Terrorist Philip Manshaus Praised Attack in New Zealand; Charged with Murder
The newspaper VG writes about a forum post written in the suspect’s name where he praises the attack in New Zealand.
We have access to the post VG refers to. The name of the author, who according to VG is the suspect in question, is 21-year old Philip Manshaus.
The terrorist: Philip Manshaus. He is also being convicted of murdering his stepsister.
In the post, he claims to have been inspired by Brenton Tarrant, the fascist terrorist who killed 51 people in a mosque in Christchurch in New Zealand. Brenton was inspired by Breivik.
In other words, in this context, it is very clear that this is a fascist and racist terror attack.
The suspect is also charged with the murder of a dead woman found in his home after the attack.
Thanks to the heroism of the people in the mosque, no lives were lost there. But the attack is nonetheless tragic and could have turned out way worse. This shows the enormous danger that fascism poses for human lives and the importance of fighting fascism and resisting the police protection of fascists.
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