By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media
The protests in Hong Kong and Russia receive an entirely different coverage than the protests we have seen in France. The manner in which Western media shows its double standard so clearly is very telling. While protests in Western countries are depicted as criminal, protests against authorities in Russia and China are depicted as heroic.
Most of those protesting in Russia and Hong Kong do so with legitimate demands, hopes, and dreams. They are rebelling against reactionary rulers, against imperialist authorities. But in the name of «competition and cooperation», American and European intelligence services, lobbyist organizations, and the media enter into the conflict with their own agendas.
That imperialists have their own agenda does not change the standpoint of communists – namely that it is right to rebel against reactionaries. Popular protests against Putin are justified. Hong Kong is a part of China, despite over a century under the British yoke. The British Empire took Hong Kong from China during the First Opium War. From 1997, Hong Kong has been formally united with China, but under the principle of «One Country, Two Systems», where the city state’s political and economic system differs from that of the rest of China.
Throughout the entire period of British colonialism, there was a justified demand to unite Hong Kong with China. Today, on the other hand, there is no reason to embrace the social fascist authorities in Beijing’s position on Hong Kong. Resistance to these authorities is justified. To fight for democratic rights is righteous.
Despite the righteousness of the struggle, we can still reveal the double standard in the coverage and the underlying motives of the US and the UK when they directly or indirectly involve themselves in the conflict in Hong Kong. And within Hong Kong, the protests are by no means under proletarian leadership. The leaders are primarily petit bourgeois and bourgeois liberals. Many of them are in direct cooperation with US imperialism. Several receive large sums from American institutions. Leaders from the opposition have had meetings with the US State Department. Under such a leadership, and in alliance with imperialists, there is no popular victory in sight.
Nonetheless, we see that the true heroism is to be found in the struggle of the masses. They show that even within the social fascist context, the masses can and will struggle.
Hong Kong’s huge protests, explained
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