The Class Struggle in Pictures is an article series in 16 parts edited by activists in Tjen Folket Media based on the photo essay «Pages from the History of Class Struggle», originally published in the periodical A World To Win nr. 26/2000.
The history of society is the history of class struggle. It is not created by rich people and generals, even if it is the victors who tell the tale. It is the masses of people who create history, in their unstinting refusal to accept the way things are, and through their heroic struggle against oppression and exploitation.
The portrayal of this millenia-old saga must necessary be disjointed and fragmented, and can only hint to the countless dramatic struggles that have occurred in different epochs on different continents.
However, we hope that these glimpses can help to illustrate Engels’ observation that the working people in every corner of the world are indeed each other’s distant kith and kin – that their hearts beat as one, that our class – the international proletariat – is one class with one common interest, which is to end class society and create a communist world.
Chapter Overview
- Introduction
- Primitive Society and the Rise of Classes
- Despotism and Slave Society
- Feudalism
- Rosy Dawn of Capitalism
- The Birth of the Proletariat
- The Bourgeoisie Seizes Power, the Proletariat Takes the Stage
- Capitalism Expands – Colonialism and Resistance
- Imperialism – The Era of War and Revolution
- Out of the Horror of World War – Revolution & the World’s First Socialist State
- Fascism, Anti-Fascism, and WWII
- The Chinese People Stand Up!
- The Storm Centres of Proletarian World Revolution
- Petit Bourgeois Aspirations and Disillusionment
- Global People’s War and New Imperialist Offensive
- The World Today
- Long Live The People’s War! Long Live The New Wave of Proletarian World Revolution!
- Editorial Afterword
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