By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
German comrades write about a bombing attack in the Turkish capital of Istanbul this week:
Bombing action from TIKKO in Istanbul
TIKKO is the Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasant of Turkey, a guerrilla army under the leadership of the Maoist party TKP/ML.
The German comrades write:
Two days ago combatants of the Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey (TIKKO) have conducted a successful action in the capital of Turkey, Istanbul. In the business district of Sarıgazi a bank and the local PPT (postal service) branch were bombed and attacked with a molotov cocktail. To complement these actions, a banner was hung up with the signature of “TKP/ML-TIKKO”
The German comrades write that this marks a fresh and new development, as for a long time, such actions have not been carried out in major Turkish cities. The people’s war has until recently been waged in the countryside and has been limited to armed propaganda in the major cities. But the First Congress of TKP/ML, held this year, has marked a turning point.
This has been confirmed in a statement that has been sent to a Turkish new democratic website in Europe. In a letter they received, where the author takes responsibility for the attack in Istanbul, they write that it conforms with the new line from the First Congress in the party and that more will follow.
The statement can be found in Turkish here:
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