By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
A historic party congress has been held in the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist (TKP/ML). After a right opportunist and liquidationist line was washed out of the party two years ago, it has reorganized itself and succeeded with holding this important First Congress. German comrades have reproduced an important decision from this congress:
In the statement, the party writes:
Our Congress declares with our infinite belief in communism and our loyalty to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, to the representatives of the international proletariat in various countries and to the fellow communist parties that the TKP/ML, the representative of the international proletariat in Turkey is now stronger and more determined in struggle than ever with its 1st Congress. The Communist Movement of the World has significant and serious problems. Revisionist, opportunist, liquidationist and reformist attacks towards MLM are now more furious and reckless than ever. Against those who drop the red flag in the face of regressions from socialism, and those who give in to the anti-MLM currents instead of leaning on to Maoism, we once again wave the red flag stronger with the struggle for New Democratic Revolution, Socialism and Communism. We have the determination to build a common marching column that is equipped with proletarian internationalism and MLM against the attacks developing on a international scale.
The party was established under the leadership of its first chairman Ibrahim Kaypakkaya in 1972. The party was for a long time a part of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) and advances Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. They lead the guerrilla army TIKKO, which has developed the people’s war in Turkey throughout the entire party’s existence.
Kaypakkaya was quickly imprisoned, tortured, and killed by the Turkish fascist state. This is a bureaucracy-capitalist state in a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country, where the Keurdishe nation has experienced a particular and centuries-long national oppression. Kaypakkaya is the party’s eternal first chairman, and has today become the gathering point and inspiration for Turkey’s revolutionaries.
The right opportunists today call themselves TKP-ML – they use the party’s name, but have changed the slash to a dash. The real TKP/ML can be found at the following link:
Turkey lies between Europe and Asia and all of Europe is familiar with the turbulence and struggles in the country. But not everybody is aware of the strong revolutionary proletarian movement in the country, or of the people’s war under the leadership of the communist party TKP/ML. There are a number of videos available online, including a few that ikk-online has linked to:
TİKKO Müzik Topluluğu – İbo Haydar Zülfikar, Namludadır İktidar
Here, one can see the portraits of soldiers and martyrs from the people’s army TIKKO set to revolutionary Turkish music.
The party has of course been declared illegal and is persecuted in Turkey, and a number of sympathizers live and struggle in a number of different European countries.
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