By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
NRK writes about protests at universities in Nesna:
Nesna-studentene snudde ryggen til rektor
Nesna lies along the coast of Nordland, not far from Mo i Rana and Mosjøen.
NRK writes:
The closure this summer occurred two years after the 101 year old study location was merged with Nord University. It was then underscored that the two parties would continue and be treated equally.
A representative from the protestors reported to NRK:
We are part of a district protest. […] We can see it all over the country that we are in a rebellion.
She was dressed in a bunad, just as we have seen among the so-called bunad guerrillas that have protested all over the country against the closure of delivery rooms and local hospitals.
The closure in Nesna is a part of the capitalist development of society. Capitalism centralizes and there is constantly a drive to cut the welfare of the masses. Particularly starting in the 1970s, when the relative boom that followed WWII ended, and the trend in all the Western imperialist countries has been cuts, privatization, and liberalization.
Capitalism creates contradictions between cities and the countryside at the expense of the countryside. It is no mystery as to why they cut and close down institutions – it is to save money. Of course people protest – because it has to do with placing the burden on the masses. The goal is not to give the masses the best options possible, but ultimately to maximize profits for the capitalists.
Centralization and the demolition of district-level autonomy in Norway continues regardless of the sitting government, and regardless of which party the mayors come from. Only the masses’ own struggle can change politics.
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