On September 7, the fascist organization SIAN arrived in the Southern city of Kristiansand. This was as part of a national tour they have arranged to spread their clearly racist and fascist message around the country of Norway.
Fascism was not welcome here either. A number of organizations met up to demonstrate and in total, the demonstrators gathered nearly 400 people. The masses of people drowned out SIAN with both songs and slogans, which can be heard clearly in a video from the demonstration published on Facebook.
Even at a fairly good distance, one could see red flags, union banners, and banners with the text “Fascism Will Be Smashed” and “Antifascism is Self-Defense”. The Struggle Committee, one of the organizations that participated, wrote the following in an article on the demonstration:
For two and a half hours, slogans were shouted, people booed, flipped the finger, and waved flags. Red flags, rainbow flags, flags with the hammer and sickle, and flags from different organizations. The Internationale, Bella Ciao, and Thälmann-kolonne were sung several times.
In addition, an event was organized where subjects like tactics in the struggle against fascism, fascism’s nature, and the growth of fascism in Latin America were discussed.

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