By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media
NRK reports that US and Italian soldiers have been attacked in Somalia. Italy was a colonial power in Somalia and occupied large portions of the country under the name “Italian Somaliland” from the 1880s until the 1960s, interrupted only by British occupation during WWII.
NRK writes:
A Somali official reveals that an assailant first detonated a car bomb at the entrance of the Baledogle base. According to The Guardian, both US special forces and Somali crews were stationed at the base […]
A short time thereafter, another attack was carried out against a column of soldiers from the EU training force EUTM in the capital of Mogadishu. EUTM operates as an advisor for Somali soldiers.
The Somali colony was returned to the Italian monarchy in the aftermath of WWII, when Great Britain and the US worked fiercely to hinder the growth of communism, particularly in France, Italy, and Greece, and the Italian Christian democracy and the Italian bourgeoisie received enormous support from the other Western powers.
NRK reports several attacks against Yankee-American and European forces in Somalia that have occurred recently. They also write that
In March of this year, the US has revealed that American drones and fighter planes have undertaken 110 aerial assaults in Somalia in the past two years.
Somalia has been torn apart by war and interventions since the 1980s, after just a few decades as a formally independent country, primarily under the governance the self-declared socialist Siad Barre.
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