Commentator of Tjen Folket Media.
On November 25, we observe the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Violence against women is a part of the oppression against women. 1 in 10 women in Norway report that they have been exposed to serious violence.
The Women’s Front has written the following about November 25:
“November 25 is the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Rough estimates indicate that one in every three women in the world are victims of sexual assault or other forms of violence in their course of their lives. The UN has no oversight over the scope of violence toward women. The UN’s sustainability goals include eliminating all forms of violence against girls and women, including sexual assault and other exploitation, before 2030, but do not say how. Norwegian authorities do not have good enough measures to secure womens’ safety either.”
Further, they write:
“The abuse of women is a global societal and public health problem. 27 percent of women in Norway have experienced violence in their current or past relationships. Men’s violence against women threatens womens’ lives, health, and freedom of expression.”
Crisis centers are places where those who suffer violence can seek help. They are primarily operated by passionate activists and were started in the 1970s as a part of the women’s movement. The crisis center secretariat writes:
“More women (8.2 percent) than men (1.9 percent) have been exposed to serious violence by their partners (kicked, choked, or roughed up).”
There is no doubt that violence is related to, and is a prerequisite for, the oppression that women are subject to. The oppression of women is today woven together with capitalism, but its history can be traced all the way back to the establishment of private property several thousand years earlier.
Womens’ subordination to men has long been legally ordained and it continues to be in several countries today. But the most important prerequisite for women;s oppression has never been legislation or culture, but the economic and physical subordination reinforced by all types of violence. A red women’s front in Hamburg arranged demonstrations on November 25 in both 2018 and 2019:
Activists march through the streets with many pimps and johns.
The question of violence against women is a question that must be answered with fight and resistance, with politicization, mobilziation, and organizing. It is a serious question, but in its nature it is like other oppressions. It does not go away on its own; it must be fought and smashed.
The way to a solution goes through revolutionary women’s struggle, where women organize themselves and transform society on a structural level. Communists see the women’s question as a question that is inextricably tied to the socialist revolution and the development of a communist society.
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Statistikk om vold og overgrep
Vold i nære relasjoner er et kjønnet problem
Internasjonal dag for avskaffelse av vold mot kvinner
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