We have received the following report and pictures from 1st of May in Austin from the revolutionary news service Tribune of the People. We greet the revolutionary 1st of May in the US and publish it below:
Brief Report on May Day March in the US
An International Workers Day march was held in Austin, Texas for May Day, which took the streets despite immense police presence and harassment from Trump-supporting reactionaries. The march clashed with the fascists and left some of them bloodied in the face; most of the reactionaries’ small group was thrown to the ground and pummeled by revolutionaries.
The police dove in to separate the groups, and the march was split apart for a time, preserving their forces against police repression. The two groups continued marching until they victoriously came together. The march soon gathered at the county jail to show solidarity with protesters who had been arrested earlier in the day in an action to support rent strikes. Revolutionaries flew the red flag outside the jail, and chanted slogans such as “Sweep this Rotten World Away, It’s International Workers Day!” They carried a banner that read: «Long Live the First of May, International Day of the Proletariat»
US revolutionaries are extremely pleased with the combative demonstration, held in restrictive conditions, that was still able to carry out revolutionary violence against fascists.
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