By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
Originally published on June 19, 2020.
NRK reports that the government of the old Norwegian state announced eight new measures to combat “radicalisation” on June 17. The main focus is on so-called “jihadists” and their recruitment, but the plans will of course be used against others as well.
The new plan was presented at the Bærum police station, and Prime Minister Erna Solberg claims that there is a great possibility for a new terror attack. Solberg says that the government has built upon experiences from the 1990s in the “work against right extremist environments”. These eight measures come in addition to thirty preexisting measures.
Central to the plan is to engage different actors like schools, the healthcare service, and NAV. Such institutions are referred to as the expanded ideological state apparatus by some bourgeois philosophers. The plan is an example of how this apparatus as well have an important political function. The so-called neutral institutions are to aid the police, intelligence agencies, and surveillance agencies in the fight against “radicalization”.
NRK writes that a “national advisory centre” is to be established at the NAV office in Grünerløkka, Oslo.
The plan is presented in light of the case of Philip Manshaus, as well as “foreign fighters” for “The Islamic State”. Revolutionaries and antifascists, on the other hand, are familiar with the police and surveillance agencies (PST) using a lot of resources on left-oriented communities.
TFM is familiar with instances where parents and youth are called in to “concern calls”, cases where PST has contacted meeting places and asked for information about activists, where the police have appeared at the homes or places of employment of people to “establish a dialogue”, and so on. Everyone who has these kinds of encounters should be aware that smiling police officers write reports, record conversations, and that no such conversations are had “for fun”. They are a part of the state’s repressive methods.
With the government’s plans, one should note that schools, the healthcare services, and NAV are also working in coordination with the police and surveillance agencies, and in accordance with the government’s plans, in these matters.
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