By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
We publish here a report from one of many demonstrations this summer. We will in the coming weeks post translations of reports written this summer. Originally published June 20, 2020.
VG and NRK report that the police have stopped SIAN’s demonstration after the police lost control of the counter-demonstration.
Amper stemning under SIAN-demonstrasjon: Kastet tomater, egg, kasseroller og flasker
SIAN has started a number of square meetings where they spread their fascist propaganda. Today, they were in Mortensrud, a proletarian district of Oslo, where they were met by enormous resistance.
Images from NRK and VG show Lars Thorsen standing behind a row of police officers with their shields covered in eggs and tomatoes. A video from VG shows Lars Thorsen vainly attempting to open his mouth before the eggs rained upon him and the police escorted him away. In the images, one can see Lars Thorsen’s face covered with eggs.
Her kaster motdemonstranter tomater og egg mot i SIAN
Activists from the Struggle Committee (Kampkomiteen) participated and have published a report from the demonstration:
Despite the great defeat for the fascists and the police, the police have reported that no arrests have been made. A great victory for antifascists in the fight against SIAN!
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