By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
Kampkomiteen (the Struggle Committee) reports on manifestations on the 7th of September around the country, for Eugene Obiora who was murdered by the police 14 years ago. They report that it is the first manifestation in many years and that it is so far the first time there are events at 5 different places. They write that the BLM demonstrations and the anti-SIAN demonstrations have been an important force in the struggle against racism and police violence.
In Trondheim, the city where Obiora was murdered, where his killer has since been promoted, a demonstration was carried out that went from the city square to the Police Department, speeches were held and slogans chanted outside of the Police Department. The banner “Stopp Volden” (“Stop the Violence”) is apparently directed towards the police officer who killed Obiora, his surname is “Volden”.
Manifestations were also carried out in Ålesund, Bergen and Kristiansand, and in Greenland square in Oslo where flyers about the Obiora-case were handed out. On the manifestation in Kristiansand, a case of police violence from earlier this year was mentioned, where a man was attacked by the police during an interrogation.

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