Translated by contributor to Tjen Folket Media.
We publish here a report from one of many demonstrations this summer. We will in the coming weeks post translations of reports written this summer. Originally published by Kampkomiteen July 1, 2020.
Monday, July 29, SIAN attempted to spout their abuse towards Muslims and progressives in Trondheim. They also tried to get the police to shut down the counter-demonstration beforehand, since they were forced to end their earlier attempts to host events in both Trondheim and in other places earlier than planned. This was the case now as well, only that it happened much quicker this time than the last attempt in Trondheim.
This time, the fascists were allowed to use the Square. The police created a stage with crowd control barriers and a sheet of plexiglass, although SIAN chose not to make use of the latter. Even before the event began, they noticed that there were many who did not welcome them in Trondheim. Almost as soon as Thorsen showed his face, somebody jumped over the barricades and sprayed him before fleeing the area. This received applause from many who had gathered around the area. Even before SIAN set up the “stage”, the rhythmic shouts of “no racists in our streets”, “go home”, and “all of Trondheim hates SIAN” began.
Additionally, music (a playlist with copyrighted tracks in order to make it more difficult for the fascists to upload the film on YouTube) was played both before and during the speech, megaphones with siren tones were used to drown out the hatred, and the barricades were shaken to make noise. As soon as Thorsen referred to the Korean to “prove” that Muslims were subhuman and called Islam “muck”, bread and fish were thrown to attract seagulls. Thorsen, just as in Mortensrud, also had eggs thrown at him. After a short half hour with hate speech against Muslims and complaining that they were not allowed to harass people in peace, counter-demonstrators were able to disassemble the barricades.
The police chose to position themselves with shields and helmets to defend SIAN and were too met with eggs and slogans like “ACAB” and “we remember Obiora”. After the fascists were escorted away, some were able to get past the barriers to destroy SIAN’s loudspeakers and other equipment. Several chairs were thrown ate the police, which had piled up behind their shields, and one of the windows of a police car were smashed. A few of the windows of a building behind the area were SIAN was placed were broken as well.
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