By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
We publish here a report from one of many demonstrations this summer. We will in the coming weeks post translations of reports written this summer. Originally published June 29, 2020.
SIAN’s tour around the country continues and today they were in the square in Trondheim.
Adresseavisen reported and provided live coverage from the demonstration. This can be read and seen here:
Følg SIAN-demonstrasjonen direkte –
This time as well, they were met by counter-demonstrators. Demonstrators stood around the barriers from all sides. As in Oslo, eggs rained over Lars Thorsen as soon as he opened his mouth, while demonstrators drowned him out with slogans and by shaking the barriers. 15 minutes later, just as the demonstrators tore down the barriers, SIAN was evacuated by shield-bearing riot police. The demonstrators stormed the area and sabotaged SIAN’s equipment and burned their propaganda. The police also retreated to a tight alley where their little wall of shields were bombarded with eggs, bottles, and chairs; the police’s windows were smashed.
The police wrote the following on Twitter:
«A demonstration in the square of Trondheim has ended after a barrier was torn down. SIAN, which held a demonstration, was transported away from the area to avoid physical confrontations between them and counter-demonstrators.»
This is after the demonstration in Mortensrud, where Lars Thorsen was showered in eggs and chased out, yet another victory against SIAN. The masses have again shown that they do not accept fascists and racists in our streets. And the masses also showed their justified hatred against the police who defend fascists and the rotten capitalist system. SIAN ought to expect more resistance and defeats when their fascist tour continues. One can read more about the upcoming demonstrations here:
Stop SIAN’s Fascist Square Meetings
On the demonstration in Oslo:
Anti-fascists Chased SIAN Out of Mortensrud
Images from the demonstration in Trondheim
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