Translated by contributor to Tjen Folket Media.
We publish here a report from one of many demonstrations this summer. We will in the coming weeks post translations of reports written this summer. Originally published by Kampkomiteen June 21, 2020.
Fascists from SIAN again tried to spread hatred in Oslo. This time in Mortensrud, an area outside of Oslo. Many Muslims and people with immigration backgrounds live in Mortensrud, a proletarian area. The area was clearly chosen by SIAN in order to provoke.
The moment the SIAN fascists opened their mouths, the slogans and noise from the counter-demonstration began to overwhelm their hatred. Not many minutes passed before the first egg was thrown. During the entire demonstration, eggs, tomatoes, and bottles were thrown in an almost unbroken wave.
SIAN tried to provoke the counter-demonstration by tearing a page out of the Koran. The cops had clearly learned from their earlier attempts to deface the Koran, and stood with shields at the ready between SIAN and the counter-demonstrators. The police used several drones to film and surveil the demonstration.
The action was a fiasco for the fascists. They were forced to leave the area after less than half an hour, under a shower of eggs, tomatoes, bottles, and anything else that people could get their hands on. Their hate could not be heard over the noise and the shouts of the anti-fascists. In fact, only the anti-fascists slogans of the counter-demonstrations could be heard, like “No fascists in our streets!” and “All of Oslo hates fascists, we are all anti-fascists!”
After the SIAN fascists were escorted in a police car, a speech was held regarding the relation between all nations and religions with the theme “We are Mortensrud!”
The quick victory against the fascists created a good mood among the antifascists and we hope that it will serve as an inspiration for counter-demonstrations in other places.
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