By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
Originally published July 5, 2020.
Saturday, July 4, SIAN announced yet another demonstration, this time at Eidsvoll Square outside of Parliament. This came after their defeat at Mortensrud and Trondheim, where the masses chased SIAN away twice, and where the masses in Trondheim also confronted the police.
This time as well, a counter-demonstration was announced. Oslo Against Racism announced a noise demonstration against SIAN.
VG mentioned the demonstration in a notice and wrote that two people were detained and expelled. The notice from VG does not include the background for this or to which side of the demonstration the persons in question belonged.
SIAN-demonstrasjon foran Stortinget – VG Nå: Nyhetsdøgnet
In live broadcasts on social media, one can see that the police have blocked off the area and positioned large amounts of riot police. And they have made sure to place the barriers with much greater distance than they were positioned in both Mortensrud and Trondheim, which has been the standard for such demonstrations outside of Parliament in recent years. It is also not unexpected for the police to seek more control, as the demonstration is outside of Parliament and both the police and SIAN have recently suffered two great defeats. But the counter-demonstration was nonetheless able to drown out SIAN with music and slogans.
When SIAN’s national tour continues, they are guaranteed to meet resistance. And they will likely suffer more defeats.
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