By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
On the 21st of September, it was 16 years since the founding congress of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). Two parties united into one, their guerilla armies were merged together and one large and continuous belt of peoples’ war in the worlds second most populated country.
Tjen Folket Media has received images from Trondheim and Kristiansand, where the Party and the People’s war have been honoured with graffiti. There have been painted slogans in the eastern and relatively proletarian part of Trondheim, as well as a proletarian quarter in Kristiansand where there also have been painted, sever hammer and sickles with stencils.

The Communist Party of India (Maoist) was founded at a unity congress in 2004, when then two parties united under Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The two parties was the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) People’s War (People’s War Group) og Maoist Communist Centre of India (MCCI). Both of the parties had their roots in CPI(M-L) which was founded in 1969. Therefore the Party could in 2019 celebrate both a 15th anniversary and a 50th anniversary.
CPI (Maoist) leads the People’s War in India, one of the four People’s War – the axis of the world revolution. India is the worlds second most populated country and thereby the Indian revolution has an enormous importance simply becauses of the amount of people it directly affects. The weight of the Indian masses is enormous on the earth. Hundreds of thousands of people are already involved in the People’s War. The People’s Liberation Geurilla Army carries out armed actions all the time. The revolutionary mass organisations affects millions.
The fascist Modi-government in India wages a war against its own people, in the struggle to drown the revolution in blood. They pursue revolutionary intellectuals, and a number of them sits in the old states dungeons only under alligations of supporting or being a member of the CPI (Maoist). Thousands of poor peasants are killed and tortured, and a number of revolutionaries are subjected to liquidations that are falsly framed as “shoot outs”. The Communist Party of Peru has stated that the reaction can’t drown the revolution in blood, since the blood irrigates the revolution instead. The martyrs are constatnly calling new revolutionaries to take up the struggle and to raise the banner after those who falls. It is impossible for the reaction to stop the the People’s War in India, that has been on-going for several decads and that will be waged til victory under the banner of Maoism.
A bourgeois estimate and map over the most active areas in the People’s War looks like this, but it must be emphaisized that this is in no way accurate or a certain overview:
Et borgerlig anslag og kart over de mest aktive områdene i folkekrigen ser
Source for the map:
Current Extent of Red Corridor and Trends in LWE in India
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