By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
Originally published on July 21, 2020
After Spring laden with crisis, where both economic crisis and a viral pandemic have permeated all media, Norwegian bourgeois media have become more relaxed. One can quickly get the impression that the worst is over. At the same time, there nonetheless have been reports that point in another direction.
First and foremost, we see that the viral pandemic is worse than could be imagined. Countries in the third world are being hit incredibly hard. Millions have been infected, hundreds of thousands have died, and dysfunctional healthcare systems cannot handle the strain. Countries in the third world are influenced by imperialism and bureaucracy capitalism. They would rather let people die than shut down parts of the economy, and they do not have a healthcare system that can give people the proper care.
Secondly, we have only seen the beginning of the economic consequences, even in the imperialist countries, including here in Norway. NRK reports that the high rate of unemployment will persist for some time into the future. We know that the unemployed will economically suffer even more eventually. It is not the worst at the beginning, but rather the contrary. And the problems in the Norwegian economy will not disappear like dew in the sun right away.
Both the enormous problems in the third world and the economic consequences of the crisis in the imperialist countries will accumulate moving forward. They will intensify and they will be felt even harder on the body. Many believe that we are past the worst of it, since the measures to combat the pandemic have gradually been relaxed, but the reality is that bigger problems and a sharper struggle await in the coming years. The bourgeoisie sees this as well, and is taking all sorts of measures to prepare themselves. They equip themselves with the carrot and the stick, with both fascism and reformism.
Communists must equip themselves with Marxism, proletarian internationalism, and a revolutionary fighting spirit. Crisis and war are capitalism’s normal status. This shows with all clarity the necessity of communism.
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