By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
Our comrades in Great Britain have recently updated the web page Red Voice. In their latest article they write that the corona crisis will eventually pass by, but not the crisis in imperialism.
Red Voice was launched in connection to May 1 in 2020 and also published the 1st of May statement which gathered signatories from a number of countries, and which among other things called to unite the International Communist Movement under the banner of Maoism.
In the text Covid may pass, but the Crisis shall not they write that the crisis will be deeper than ever in 2021, and that the burdens of it will be lifted on to the masse’s shoulders. They write that regardless if the worst of the pandemic is driven away, the economic and by this the social consequences of capitalism’s crisis will not disappear at all. Companies are bankrupt and unemployment is very high.
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