By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
Serve the People Media issued a statement on the 13th of April in support of the international solidarity campaign with the revolutionary peasant movement in Brazil, to condemn and oppose the planned massacre in Rondônia.
Also the Struggle Committee has issued a statement to partake in the campaign.
There have been several actions of solidarity in 5 cities in different parts of Norway the last two weeks. We salute and promote the actions and urge every anti-imperialist, revolutionary and democratic forces to support the campaign in solidarity with the LCP and the Manoel Ribeiro camp in Rondônia!
We denounce the repressive plans and actions of the government of Rondonia, headed by the governor, also a colonel of the Military Police, Marcos Rocha and the Secretary of Security Cisneiro Pacha, “the butcher of Santa Elina”!
Oslo 14th of April: Solidarity in Front of the Brazilian Embassy:
Kristiansand 15th of April: Graffiti in Solidarity with the Campaign:
Oslo 16th of April: Mobilization for New Protest at the Embassy:
Bergen 21st of April: Solidarity action with speech:
Oslo 21st of April: Protest at the Brazilian Embassy:
Trondheim 24th of April: Banner Hung on Bridge
Stavanger: Graffiti in Support of the Campaign
Fram for solidaritet med fattigbøndene i Brasil! – Tjen Folket Media
Støtt fattigbøndenes bevegelse i Brasil
Oslo: Markering mot Brasils ambassade – Tjen Folket Media
Kristiansand: Graffiti for Brasils revolusjonære – Tjen Folket Media
Oslo: Mobilisering til demonstrasjon 21. april – Tjen Folket Media
Bergen: Solidaritetsmarkering for LCP – Tjen Folket Media
Oslo: Markering ved Brasils ambassade – Tjen Folket Media
Trondheim: Solidaritet med fattigbøndene i Brasil – Tjen Folket Media
Brazil: Urgent! Government of Rondônia Threatens New Massacre
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