By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
Saturday September 25 revolutionaries organised a powerful demonstration to honour Chairman Gonzalo and to condemn the old Peruvian state. The demonstration was held in the centre of Oslo, and the streets were filled with people due to the so-called “re-opening”.
The demonstration started at the square in front of Nationaltheateret metro station. Here the organisers gave information about the program, as well as holding a short speech to the people who showed up. Flyers were handed out to people in the square, and many of them showed interest in the message of the demonstration. Here a banner was rolled out with the slogan “Eternal Glory to Chairman Gonzalo» in both Norwegian and Spanish, and flags with hammer and sickles were held around the banner.
The participants then moved towards the Peruvian embassy, marching in formation with red flags with hammers and sickles. An activist has told TFM that the evening before the Peruvian embassy had the Peruvian flag out on the facade of the building, but on this day it was taken inside. The Estonian embassy in the same building, on the other hand, had its flag out.
At the embassy of the old Peruvian state the revolutionary activists lined up and the demonstration was opened with singing of the Internationale. Followed by slogans in Norwegian and Spanish, battle cries for the Communist Party of Peru, for Chairman Gonzalo, for the People’s War, Maoism and international solidarity.
The demonstration with its content and form must be seen as further proof that Chairman Gonzalos own words when he was arrested are true: “You have come too late! It is already here!”, and pointed towards his own head.
There were speeches by the organising committee and from Revolutionary Communists, Maoist Platform and Red Front. All of the speeches were filled with revolutionary optimism, and the speakers condemned the old Peruvian state and showed strong solidarity with the Communist Party of Peru and the People’s War in Peru.
The demonstration was vibrant with revolutionary energy and high morale, and was carried out with pride and discipline. The demonstration ended with the Internationale, and the hymn Al Presidente Gonzalo was played from the sound system, the demonstration then retreated in an organised fashion.
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