By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
Red Voice Media has published two new statements from revolutionary forces in Britain. The british comrades also publish pictures from several graffiti actions and write that they hope this will inspire their readers.
The two statements are from Revolutionary Collective Britain (RCB) and from the editorial board of the Red Voice Media (RVM). RCB writes that Maoist presence has grown in Britain the last year, and that the goal of all true revolutionaries must be to fight to reconstruct a true Communist Party in Britain.
The comrades write that the revolutionaries will work harder, and they bring attention to the propaganda campaigns against the Prahaar-3 and for Chairman Gonzalo, as examples of the fighting spirit. They write that it is time for action, and that the actions of the last year shows that this is not empty words.
Further on the RVM asks readers to contact them, and to develop local work. They encourage readers to work for the revolutionary movement, and to struggle for a red line in organizations that already exist.
TFM recommend that our readers follow the page of RVM.
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