By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
Journalists and activists from different corners of the world have united to create a new online newspaper. The online newspaper The Red Herald was launched on the 15th of March.
The comrades write that they are united in a desire to convey news they find interesting and important, and which are difficult to find on other platforms. They write that they are not an organization, but that they have strong views and will publish material in line with these.
They write that in a world dominated by media giants in the hands of a handful of people, it is appropriate to publish information that can trouble the masters of war and destruction. They write that the website is completely non-commercial and that all work is done pro bono.
Tjen Folket Media welcomes the new online newspaper, which is available in English and Spanish, and encourages our readers to follow it closely.
Today we launch the Web Site «the Red Herald»
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Tjen Folket Media trenger din støtte. Vi får selvsagt ingen pressestøtte eller noen hjelp fra rike kapitalister slik som rasistiske “alternative medier”. All vår støtte kommer fra våre lesere og fra den revolusjonære bevegelsen. Vi er dypt takknemlige for dette. Vi overlever ikke uten, og du kan gjøre ditt bidrag ved å støtte oss med det du kan avse.