By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media
The US aggression against Iran escalated yet another level this week, with an attack that was revealed in the last moment. If the US opts for full-scale war and invasion of the country, it will be something entirely different than what we have seen in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya.
Iran is much stronger and a much more challenging goal then these aforementioned countries, and US imperialism will quickly find itself in a quagmire of defeat and problems. In the streets of Tehran sounds the Farsi slogan Marg bar Āmrikā («Death to America»), the prophetic words foretelling the future for the US.
US aggression is never legitimate, as Tjen Folket Media has written earlier:
The US invaded Iraq in 2003. Still today, there are US troops in the country. The country is in practice divided in three between factions of Iraqi citizens and US collaborators. In the North, the Kurdish parties KDP and PUK rule. The South is ruled by Shia militants and parties. And in the middle of the country, there has been left a power vacuum so large, and where opposition towards the US is so strong, that ISIS was able to expand its caliphate not long ago. The war in Iraq was a much greater obstacle for the US than many had expected. Iran will be worse.

Iran’s land area is more than three times larger than that of Iraq’s. It the world’s 18th largest country. Where Iraq consists primarily of lowlands and deserts, Iran is characterized by mountain ranges. Iran has nearly 90 million residents, over twice the populations of Iraq. The army and entire state apparatus of Iran is more solid and streamlined than that of Iraq, and presents an entirely different challenge than the one the US faced in Libya or Afghanistan, for instance.
Furthermore, it must be emphasized that the US has not by any means had any easy victories in the aforementioned countries. There is still no solid US-friendly government with nationwide control in Iraq, any more than there is in Libya or Afghanistan. And in Syria, one of Iran’s allies, the US has suffered a massive defeat after several years of bloody war. Yet complete victory is not the US’s only goal. US imperialism seeks to destabilize, divide and rule, and secure bases for itself in the region with continued military activity in order to weaken contenders and challenges in the region. It is in imperialism’s very nature that it may never reach final victory, only relative and temporary wins. For US imperialism, even these temporary victories, or hindrances of the larger defeats, are reason enough to let loose the deadly war machine.
US imperialism is in the desperate position that only the world’s only superpower can find itself in. There is only one way to go for those at the top. They are playing a political game on all continents, at a level that no individual president or administration could ever have an overview of, and could certainly never hope to control its minute details. Their enormous strength is also their foremost Achilles heel: they must be everywhere at once, and it will therefore be impossible for them to win on all fronts.
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