By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media
The imperialist states have continued their propaganda in the weeks after the US’s war threats against Iran. VG and bourgeois media gleefully engage.
In a VG article published on Sunday, one can read that Iran wishes to further enrich uranium.
VG is regurgitating the propaganda from US-allied Israel. VG also does not write in a single place in the article that the state that is founded upon and carries out genocide, also has had atomic weapons for several decades as the only state in the Middle East.
To parrot this propaganda is by no means innocent. Propaganda from the Israeli government serves only to legitimize Israel’s ethnic cleansing, occupations, and wars. And in this case, it also serves to legitimize a genocidal war against Iran, with the US at the fore.
When it comes to the contents of the propaganda, that the enrichment of uranium makes it easier for Iran to develop atomic weapons, this article gives a good answer:
Whether the propaganda is based in reality, has a speck of truth to it, or if it is outright lies is irrelevant. It is irrelevant for the imperialists and it is irrelevant for us. The US aggression against Iran is not legitimate, nor will it ever be.
This article published by Tjen Folket Media after the US’s recent near-assault is also worth reading.

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