By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
For the last few years, the “Nordic Resistance Movement” (NMR), better known as “Nordfront”, has established itself and grown in Norway. This was with help and leadership from Sweden, where the organization is largest and has most of its leaders and activists. The organization has, for the past few years, been foremost when it comes to open Nazism, primarily because all the other nationwide (Norwegian and Swedish) Nazi groups have been disbanded after much resistance.
Nationaldemokraterna, Svenskernas Parti (earlier the National-Socialist Front), Fria Nationalister, and finally Nordic Youth, have all packed their bags and left, after both inner splits and hard outer pressure. In Norway, Boot Boys, Vigrid, and Norway’s Patriots have gone the same way.
When the organization began to establish itself in Norway, it was led by the Swedish Klas Lund. Klas Lund murdered an anti-racist in 1986 when he attempted to help immigrants who were being attacked by Lund. In 2005, he was arrested at the home of Tommy Olsen in Kristiansand, where he was in hiding after having escaped from prison in Sweden. Tommy Olsen has been a visible figure in the Norwegian branch of the organization and has a background in the Boot Boys. As a member of this group, Olsen stabbed two Africans in a racist attack in Stavanger in 2000.
Expo, Aktuellt Fokus, and Filter Nyheter report about a split in NMR. The new organization is called Nordisk styrke (NS) [Nordic Force]. Among those who are at the fore of this new organization are:
Klas Lund, Grängesberg, described earlier in the article.
Emil Hagberg, Sunnansjö, best known from an extremely brutal and ruthless attack on an anti-racist demonstration in Kärrtorp, Stockholm.
Anders Rydberg, Stockholm, interim leader. Found guilty for having participated in the attack in Kärrtorp. Found guilty for violating the arms law and conspiracy to commit grave violations of the arms law.
Haakon Forwald, Ludvika, who for many years led the Norwegian branch from Ludvika in Sweden.
In the images, one can also see that several of the Nazis that have stood in the frontlines of the organization, for instance as “shield-bearers”, have been on Lund’s side in the split. Both Rydberg and Hagberg have earlier presented themselves as being “undiplomatic” in verbal conflicts that have been recorded on video. They have a different and more confrontational style than, for instance, the Nazi Öberg, who has before given a puppet show from the podium.
At the same time, it must be emphasized that this is by no means an ideological split. The split regards methods, tactics, and who it is that ought to make the decisions. To its very core, fascism is eclectic and opportunistic. Therefore, it is not clear how the two groups will develop. That Nazis split is not anything new either. On the contrary, what is peculiar about the situation for the past few years is NMR’s relatively one-sided dominance among Nordic Nazis. Now this has again been broken.
Possible Causes of the Split
Both organizations have been very vague in regards to the ideological split. Very many members in NS have been found guilty for extremely high-profile violent cases. Many commentators therefore believe that the new organization will be more aggressive and violent. According to a statement in Swedish EXPO, the split and the new group represent an increased terrorism risk. Jonathan Leman, a researcher for EXPO, has also stated to the Swedish newspaper Arbetaren that it was not an unexpected split, and had to do with NMR leader Simon Lindberg’s desire to make the organization broader. And that the two groups may attempt to outdo the other in terms of violent attacks.
The antifascist struggle should continue against the Nazis both in NMR and NS. Even if the split may potentially weaken the Nazis, one must not believe that they will destroy themselves, all without a struggle. Everything reactionary is the same, as Mao says: it will not fall unless you hit it.
The Norwegian branch with Tommy Olsen in the leadership is today primarily loyal to Lindberg’s NMR. This much can be seen, given Tommy Olsen’s participation in NMR’s most recent “Nordic days”.
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