By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
NRK reports that the US will send several military forces to Saudi Arabia. In the last few years, Saudi Arabia, along with US-imperialism’s support, has been involved in a war in Yemen against rebels supported by Iran. Iran, in turn, answers by promising a full-scale war with a potential Yankee intervention.
Iran’s Foreign Affairs Minister Threatens the US with Full-Scale War
After a drone attack against oil refineries in Saudi Arabia, there has been a military escalation in the region. The US has accused Iran of being behind the attack, even if the rebels in Yemen have claimed responsibility for the attack. In the past few months, there has also been an escalation with several confrontations between Iran and oil tankers from other countries that are allied with the US. And in July, the US sent several soldiers to Saudi Arabia.
After several decades of war, the US has created a large network of military bases in Middle Eastern countries, among them Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel. The US has, over the course of the escalation this summer, issued war threats against Iran.
The medical journal, Lancet, claims that the war against Iraq has claimed more than 60,000 human lives. The war against Vietnam claimed more than 2 million Vietnamese lives, along with hundreds of thousands in neighboring countries. In the same region as Iraq and Iran alone, the US has killed hundreds of thousands of people in Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, and Syria.
More on the war threats issued over the summer can be found below:
Don’t Listen to the War Propaganda Against Iran
The War Propaganda Against Iran Continues
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