By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
Our comrades from Dem Volke dienen report that with great joy and pride have published a video they have received from Brazilian Maoists. In the video, images and videos can be seen from an action carried out in connection with the 98th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of Brazil.
Between March 24 and March 25, under heavy restrictions imposed by the state under the cover of Covid-19, the comrades raised over 1000 flags with the hammer and sickle around Brazil, as well as painted a number of slogans.
The images and text in the video is living proof of the bold advance of the Maoists in Brazil in their 25-year struggle to reconstitute the party and further develop the new democratic revolution in service of the proletarian world revolution.
Long live the reconstitution of the Communist Party of Brazil!
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