By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
NRK recently wrote that soldiers from the Armed Forces’ Special Command (FSK) have established a separate camp in Jordan, as a part of the stepping up of Norway’s “military involvement” in the Middle East and preparations by the special forces’ for new war operations in the region.
Klare for neste ørkenkrig (NRK)
The airbase is located just outside Amman, the capital of Jordan. Jordan is a former British “mandate”, that is to say before it was made formally independent after the second world war they were under British direct political control. The country has since remained an oppressed country under British imperialism and Yankee-imperialism, and with an appeased relationship to the neighbour Israel.

In March this year the Norwegian king and queen visited Jordan, for the first time ever for a royal state visit to the Middle-East. The Norwegian Minister of Defence and the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry took part in this important state visit. A central part of the state visit was talks about and facilitation of Norwegian seafood export to Jordan, an industry which seeks to establish itself in the Jordanian market. Also energy production and distribution was a major topic, and the energy industry was represented in the Norwegian delegation. A large seminar was arranged under the name Jordan-Norway Business Forum, with hundreds of participants from politics and industry, where the Norwegian Ministers and the Norwegian Queen spoke.
Thus, the political and economical interests in Jordan go hand in hand with the military cooperation, and makes an interesting backdrop for the establishment of a permanent military base in the country.
In their report NRK covers the exercises of the Norwegian Special Command to ensure their equipment will work at 50 degrees Celsius. The soldiers say the exercise in the Jordan desert makes them better prepared for more missions in the Middle-East. The base makes them ready to deploy quickly if Norwegian imperialism deems it opportune, or if requested by the US. Keeping in line with the Norwegian special forces’ penchant for norse symbolism the Norwegian part of the airbase is named Camp Åsgard.
Norway and Jordan have entered into an agreement on military cooperation, based upon both countries’ special forces having worked closely in Afghanistan since 2005 and having cooperated in training Syrian groups fighting against the Syrian Assad-government.

The base is also manned by a helicopter crew from the 339-squadron, which has its headquarters in Rygge, close to Moss (in Norway). Also these are being practically and mentally prepared to be deployed for war missions in the Middle-East.
Chief of the Special Forces tells NRK:
“We have carried out missions in the Middle-East since 2014. The Special Forces are dependent on good situational awareness and local partners. This is crucial to carry out future missions there. By having a form of permanent presence there we are better prepared, says Lilleby.”
He points out that FSK are the best soldiers of the armed forces and that they work a lot with intelligence, training and “advice” to allied forces. Jordan is referred to as a friend in the region. NRK writes that the Norwegian Special Forces has closer to 20 years of experience with warfare in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. They also write that the Norwegian Intelligence Service gains a better overview through cooperation with Jordan.
The exact number of Norwegian forces in Jordan is secret.
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