By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
Originally published October 5, 2020.
UPDATE: Suspects soon after arrested are connected to drugs, and have nothing to do with politics.
Several sources have reported that Dan Eivind Lid was found dead in his home in Kristiansand on October 3, and that the police are now investigating the case as a possible murder. Despite the fact that the police have not released any hypothesis, FrP politicians and other fascists are attempting to drag leftists into the matter, with charges against the Red Party and TJen Folket Media.
Dan Eivind Lid has for many years been a leading activist for SIAN. According to the police, he was found with wounds that correspond with the possibility that he was victim of serious violence. The police have no suspects as of writing. Due to his engagement with fascist groups, PST has now also been involved in the investigation. There is no information that has confirmed or denied whether or not there was a political motive behind the alleged murder.
Former Justice Minister Per-Willy Amundsen from FrP and the racist website Resett are using the opportunity to point at the left. Amundsen is attempting to call to attention all those he refers to as “the violent left” on social media, and has particularly drawn his focus on the Red Party, who he accuses of being “communistic”. The two racist and Islamophobic websites Resett and bring TFM’s article on the Nazi background of SIAN members in connection with the death. The article has its own passage on Dan Eivind Lid, which documents how Lid has attempted to train dogs to attack Muslims, has placed a pig’s head in front of a mosque, has posed with weapons, and is a convicted criminal.
It is worth noting for all activists on the left how these forces operate. They spare no means in increasing the persecution of leftists. This must be seen as a part of the general reactionary development in society, and as an attempt to legitimize fresh attacks against the left. In this regard, we also wish to mention that Amundsen belongs to the same FrP wing that Laila Bertheussen was a part of before her fake profile was revealed. Amundsen’s wife, Gry-Anette Rekanes Amundsen, is also an active FrP politician who participated in the infamous Messenger chat with Bertheussen and Ingvild Smines Tybring-Gjedde. The Amundesen couple has for years come up with serious plans for attacking immigrants, Muslims, and young people in proletarian neighborhoods in Oslo.
This environment belongs to the most racist and politically reactionary wing in FrP and has, among other things, persecuted the Black Box theatre in an attempt to gag their artistic and critical freedom. The agenda that Amundsen and his compatriots support, consciously or otherwise, is to hollow-out the bourgeois-democratic “democracy”, an agenda they place openly out in the daylight with their plays surrounding the Lid case.
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