By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
The anger of the masses exploded during protests in Bristol Sunday March 21 after proposal of a legal bill seeking to limit freedom to protest. The protests led to several clashes with police.
The proposed bill named “The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill” will cause vast limitations and restrictions on the freedom to protest, and in many instances will make it practically impossible to protest without being met with major punitive reactions. The bill makes it possible for the police to:
- Restrict start and finish time of protests.
- Restrict noise level.
- Apply protest laws against individuals.
Violation of these restrictions can lead to fines of £2,500. Police can also legally pursue people without ordering people to stop the protests, which currently has not been allowed. The bill will also double the maximum punishment for violence against public officials from one to two years prison. A further measure in the proposal ensures that damage to memorials can lead to a prison sentence of up to 10 years. This is in wake of the toppling of the statue of slave trader Edward Colston during the BLM-protests last summer in Bristol.
Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Bristol to protest against the bill. The police had made it clear in advance that they would not tolerate the protests, and have persistently tried to deter people from taking part in the protests. The protesters were met by a massive police presence in full riot gear, which, however, only seems to have fueled the anger of the masses even more.
Outside Bridewell police station protestors chanted the slogan “10 years for protest, 5 years for rape”, meanwhile riot police drew batons and came out with horses. In a Twitter video one can also see the police using dogs to disperse the protesters, and being promptly retorted by throwing of fireworks at the police. According to BBC, two police cars have been set on fire, the facade of a police station has been damaged and multiple police officers have been inflicted bone fractures.
More videos of the riots:
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