Editorial Board of Tjen Folket Media
The cyclical crisis in capitalism is a fact. There will be fatal consequences in the coming years. The masses resistance and struggle won’t dampen but sharpen. The general crisis in capitalism sharpens. The revolutionary movement will grow in leaps and the shining red flag will rise above the struggle and point towards communism.
After several years where popular protests have grown parallel with the intensification of the ecological crisis in the world and that several countries have been torn asunder by imperialist wars (Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq and Libya) it is like the media is shorting in the face of the coronavirus and the escalating economic crisis.
Both the System and the Politicians Must Be Held Responsible!
The relative upswing through some years, admittedly mixed with some unrest, is now exposed as a specific type of panic. On one side it shows the incompetence of the capitalist authorities. The bourgeois politicians have in no way been able to take the necessary measures. Norwegian authorities and the Norwegian state has failed. Throughout multiple decades they have destroyed the health care system under the pretext of making it more “effective” and made the lives of normal people and their health into a question of economic speculation. No amount of relief measures that the authorities will come with will change that, on the contrary, it will intensify the problems.
Thus it’s not only a great risk that the transmission of diseases becomes considerably worse than it had needed to be. There is also a great risk that the in the authorities attempt to limit the extent of disease that it will fatally hit other sectors or parts of health and emergency apparatus. This the Norwegian politicians knows themselves, they have always known this, but they have still pushed through their politics, despite normal peoples complaints and demands, and despite massive critique from healthcare professionals. In other words, the politicians stand directly responsible that many, completely unnecessary, are affected by serious disease and death.
On the other side, it is not only a question of the incompetence of the politicians but of a system that breeds disease and that breeds poverty, that makes people more exposed to diseases. This is a system where profits are holy and where the competition between the imperialists makes it so that none of them will be the first to take measures that could halt their country’s economy. It is a system that connected the world together in a global, but planless network of production and exploitation, and thus where a number of countries risk standing without important resources if the crisis persists. The system is imperialism, capitalism of our time, and this system has created the “corona crisis”.
The Crisis Will Hit the Poor and the Third World Hardest
Norway is one of the richest countries in the world, thanks to Imperialism. Crime is rewarding, and the imperialist system is to the core as criminal as it can get. The richest are rich mainly because of the barbaric pillage of the world’s poorest countries and people. The crisis that now comes to Norway, is still only a little taste of what imperialism means every day in the third world.
Restrictions and shortages are the daily life in the world’s poorest countries. The same is unemployment, disease and medicine shortages. And today’s crisis will hit these countries way harder than how it will hit Europe.
This doesn’t mean that we in the imperialist countries should take a passive stance, and think as some people do, that “it does not concern us”. This is not only a mistaken way to think in but is also a very dangerous way to think in. It is a mistaken way to think in because one believes that the problems will disappear if we ignore them. And it is a dangerous way to think in because it is in practice to accept the rotten, criminal system.
We see it as our duty as revolutionaries in Norway, to hold the banner of internationalism highly. We are proletarian internationalists. Our class is an international class. A strike towards our comrades in the third world is a strike towards us. Thus the times of crisis is not the time to turn our attention inwards, to become passive or to focus solely on ourselves.
The bourgeois is exposed by the crisis. Their rotten system, which they attempt to portray as the only alternative, shows its true nature even more clearly. Their politics shows their incompetence. It is not the time to sit at home and hold critiques of capitalism to ourselves.
Capitalism must be replaced with Communism
The crisis demands that we place communism on the agenda. It the demands that we expose the crisis as a part of capitalism. It is the mode of production that has facilitated the virus and the spread of it, for the politician’s inability, for poverty, emergency, wars and the economic crisis. It is nothing else than capitalism and the capitalist ruling class that must be held responsible for these problems.
Imperialism is the last stage of capitalism. It is the rotting and dying capitalism. It is expressed clearly in the general crisis and also in increasingly deep cyclical crises. We live in the strategic offensive of the proletarian world revolution, that will say the historical period where capitalism will be replaced with socialism.
The proletarian world revolution has two currents, the socialist revolution and the new democratic revolution in the third world. These must take the form of people’s war under the leadership of the militarized communist parties. People’s War will be waged to communism until the world is embraced by the shining communism.
Forwards for Revolution and Communism!
Communism is planned and does not only socialise the production but also acquisition. That will say “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need”. That will say an end to all economic crises and a society that can robustly face epidemics on the way that it is demanded, without needing to take considerations for short-sighted profits for a class of parasites.
Communism is the end of the imperialist wars, and of the exploitation of humans. It is the end of poverty. It is the beginning of a new and shining chapter in the history of man. Communism is not only possible, communism is a historical necessity that will materialise independently of humanity’s will. But not independently from mankind’s struggle, for it can only be carried forwards by the armed masses, organised militantly by the proletariats own party – the communist party – that is guided by the proletariats own ideology – Maoism.
Short said – communism demands struggle. But this struggle our class has fearlessly thrown itself into for 200 years ago. In the next fifty years, this protracted struggle will be crowned with a worldwide victory.
Proletarians in all countries, unite!
People’s war until communism!
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