By a commentator for Tjen Folket Media.
Originally published in Norwegian, September 17, 2020.
Once again, fascist networks and the spread of Nazi positions within the German police have been revealed. Over the course of this year and the previous year, a series of revelations show that German police and military forces are full of Nazis and that they are preparing for violence against the left.
Our comrades in Germany report that 250 weapons were confiscated last Friday in a police raid against a Nazi. They write that the reader must note that the Nazis and the state are preparing for the coming class struggles. They write that revolutionaries must take the necessary precautions, and that only a communist party can serve as the necessary bulwark against reaction.
Norwegian ABC News also reports on the actions against fascists within the police:
Tysk politi slo til mot høyreekstreme kollegaer
Over 200 police officers participated in the action against 34 police stations and private residences. Eleven police officers are suspects in the case, and during the action, it was determined that a number of officers have been spreading extreme-right propaganda in chat rooms on the internet. One of the over 100 images that were shared in WhatsApp depicts a refugee who is photoshopped in one of the Nazis’ gas chambers used during WWII. (ABC News)
This is far from the first time that fascists within the German apparatus of violence have been revealed. Earlier this year, Deutche Welle released a longer report regarding a Nazi network within the military. This was revealed when they organized, planned, and began concrete preparations for sabotage actions and a coup attempt.
The Nazis had established a network with groups of military personnel all over Germany. They had gathered weapons, laid concrete plans, held several training sessions, and distributed meeting locations for their actions. They had also gathered 200 body bags for enemies who were on their liquidation list. The Nazi network prepared itself for “Day X”, where they were planning to strike in order to destabilize Germany, liquidate specified enemies (for instance, the leaders of refugee organizations), and organize a coup. Among German Nazis, “Day X” is known as the day when the German Federal Republic collapsed in a crisis, and where the Nazis’ plan was to exploit the collapse.
Even if a coup appears to be unlikely, the group had carried out a number of concrete measures. Weapons were stockpiled, training sessions were organized, and they had made and distributed plans for meeting places, detailed action plans, and so on. In any event, this was no locker room talk among teenagers, but organized among career soldiers with combat experience from, for instance, Afghanistan.
The report also reveals the planning of a “false flag”attack, where a German Nazi disguised and registered as a Syrian refugee was to carry out an armed attack against the Austrian “Freedom Party”, a racist party, to rile up the atmosphere against refugees and to contribute to destabilization.
A German bureaucrat has suggested reinstating conscription to hinder fascist dominance in the defense forces. A striking example of how bourgeois forces exploit any and all situations to advance reaction and even more militarization.
The 2nd company of the German special forces KSK was disbanded last Spring after it was revealed that the company was completely saturated by Nazis and Nazi positions that came to expression in a number of different ways. Nearly 50,000 rounds of ammunition and more than 60 kilos of explosives had “disappeared” from the company’s stocks; the German intelligence services estimate that there were at least 20 Nazis in the company and that they had partially constructed their own command structure that could not be considered loyal to the German Federal Republic. The Defense Minister therefore concluded that the company would be disbanded and that the entire KSK would be partially restructured. German intelligence services have, as of 2019, officially estimated that there are around 600 suspected fascists in the German army.
In conclusion, a few significant points need to be made. Firstly: BRD, the German Federal Republic, is a continuation of Hitler’s Third Reich. The settlement in 1945 was extremely half-hearted and the West German bureaucracy remained filled with old Nazi bureaucrats. Secondly, the military and the police in all bourgeois states are, as a rule, characterized by strong fascist sympathies, along with racism and misogyny.
Two examples of the apparatus of violence leaning in this direction are given by the fact that 80% of Norwegian officers support the Conservative Party (Høyre) and the manner in which the police and military responded to the German invasion in 1940. The police quickly established a collaboration with occupation forces and aided them in their hunt for both communists and Jews. Within the army, sympathies remained with NS, and to a larger degree with Germany, to an enormously greater degree than they did among the general public.
Thirdly: we must point out that fascism grows from the system itself, and not from the outside. The fact that Nazi networks and sympathies are fostered within the bourgeoisie’s armed forces is more a rule than an exception, and this tendency will be strengthened when political polarization and the class struggle are sharpened. The bourgeois state militarizes more and more in the imperialist countries; imperialism means – as Lenin said – reaction along all lines. Bourgeois forces, within and without the state apparatus, made concrete preparations for counterrevolutionary repression and terror.
It is the case, as our German comrades have pointed out, that revolutionaries must make their precautions and that all revolutionaries must intensify the work in developing the revolutionary movement, particularly for reconstituting the communist party.
Exploring Right-Wing Extremism in Germany’s Police and Military (Spiegel)
What is Day X, the political and economic collapse that German neo-Nazis await?
The German military has a Nazi problem (Washington Post)
Body Bags and Enemy Lists: How Far-Right Police Officers and Ex-Soldiers Planned for ‘Day X’ (New York Times)
Germany to restructure special forces to tackle far-right leanings (Financial Times)
Rekordmange høyreekstremister i Tyskland (Vårt land)
German authorities dismiss threat of far-right ‘enemy lists’ (DW)
Germany: Bring back conscription to fight extremism, ombudswoman says (DW)
KSK: German special forces company dissolved due to far-right concerns (DW)
Propaganda from KSK:
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